Historical Renovations
We are proud of our involvement with many historical preservation projects.

Kearns St. Anns School
Salt Lake City, Utah
The restoration of this 100 plus year old historically registered Catholic School building involved major seismic upgrades to the exterior and extensive modifications to the interior. Transforming the old school into a new state-of-the-art teaching facility, while preserving the architectural integrity of the building, required close coordination with the Architect, Engineers, Historical Council and the Catholic Diocese. This was a ten year phased project with the school open for use during each years school session. This project won the Salt Lake City Historic Landmark Commission Award of Merit when completed.

Building 512, University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Complete renovation and seismic upgrades to 1909 building. This project involved the complete restoration of the four-story, 21,900 square foot building to accommodate the new University of Utah Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health.